Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Buying a Boat


Are you debating the pros and cons of purchasing a boat? The boating lifestyle can be so appealing to a family that loves the water and spending time outside. But let’s be realistic, we live in Illinois. Is owning a boat really be worth it?

The answer is YES for many experience boat lovers. It is a lifestyle that supports work life balance, family time and enjoying every aspect of the great outdoors. There is a huge variety of activities to choose from on the water, and a boating lifestyle build cherished memories for your family and friends.

BUT. There are some good questions you should ask yourself, your family and the boat dealership you are working with before you move forward with the purchase of a boat.

5 Question to Ask Before You Purchase a Boat

  1. How often will we really go boating?

    According to statistics, the average boat in the U.S. is operated 54 days per year. Wow, pretty amazing! Boating is the largest leisure activity in our country. But the truth is, many boat owners can’t take full advantage of boat ownership, let alone use their boat this often. Family events, kids activities, sports and work commitment often take you away from this incredible leisure activity.  If you’re not able to boat frequently, owning a boat may be too expensive. This is why being able to access a clean and maintained boat, without any of the hassle of boat ownership is one of the biggest benefits of joining a boat club.

  2. What style of boat is best for my family?

    Every family is different and their boating needs change based on ages, experience and activity preferences. Not every boat is right for every outing. When you own your own boat, you are limited to the comfort and capabilities it provides, from the smoothness of the ride, to the shade protection, to the quantity of people you can accommodate.

    With a boat club, you get to try them all! I

    Inviting grandparents out? Or a large group? Try our large party pontoon!

    Ready for a day of water sports? Reserve the ski boats.

    With a Boat Club membership, you get the best of all the experiences.

  3. Do I have the proper training and experience to own a boat?

    According to new and used boat registrations tracker Info-Link Technologies, first-time boat buyer statistics accounted for a whopping 31% of all new boat sales and 37% of preowned boat sales. That’s A LOT Of new boaters.

    We know most new boat owners inevitably learn something about boating “the hard way”, which can get really expensive. The reality is that there are A LOT of inexperienced boaters out on the water, which makes YOUR training and knowledge even more important. We want to protect our members and our boats, and that means training the drivers and their guests in order to minimize risk and increase your ability to enjoy time on the boat. Every member will be trained on each type of boat, by a licensed captain, before being able to take a boat out. 

  4. Where will I keep the boat in the summer and winter?

    Storage and maintenance of two of the “hidden” costs of boat ownership. During the summer, most boat owners keep their boats right on the water, for easy access. These convenient slip locations can get expensive. Other boat launches keep your boat off the water, and you need to call, and potentially wait for them to bring it out for you to use. Finally, you can keep it off the water, and trailer it to your launch location, which can be a big waste of time and money. You will also need a vehicle and boat trailer that can accommodate your boat.

    Additionally, boats do require annual maintenance, in the spring and fall. In Chicagoland, your boat must be covered and protects, which we call “winterizing” and then stored either at an outdoor or indoor boat storage facility.

  5. What are the risks associated with boat ownership?

    Boating is a low risk activity, as long as you follow the standard water safety guidelines. In terms of risk, most of the risk associated with boating has to do with small mistakes and bumps and bruises that hit your pocketbook. Normal wear and tear on a boat takes a toll and eventually requires potentially expensive upkeep.

    With Barrington Boat Club, you totally avoid this pitfall of boat ownership. We regularly maintain every boat, and we also pride ourselves on the high quality and newness of our fleet. Expect to see a new boat added to the roster at least once a year. Trying out new boats is part of the fun of being a member!

    Is boat ownership right for you? If you love to boat, can handle the care and maintenance, and can use the boat often, then absolutely. However if you are new to boating, or are just not sure it is worth the expense, a boat club membership might be right for you.


Barrington Boat Club Spring Open House


Boat Club Locations: Why We're at Where We're At